New Ham Advice

You’ve just passed your test!  Now what?

One of the best things about amateur radio is the “can do” attitude of so many of those who are involved. Every ham was a new ham once–and everyone can learn more. It just takes time and patience.


Below are some things that might be helpful:


Amateur radio can be a springboard to an enormous variety of things to get involved in:

Antenna building Kit building Radio repair
Antenna physics Maintenance & Operation Repeaters
Contesting Mobile HF RF design
Awards for Worked All States (WAS), DX Century Club (worked 100 entities–DXCC) Morse Code Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Hunting
Basic science Neighborhood emergency radio Search and rescue
Boy Scouts on the Air Net control Sherriff assistance
Communicate on different bands (1.25m, 2, 6, 10, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 160) OR Defense Force Short wave listening
Community service Pacific Seafarers Net SSTV (Slow Scan TV)
Digital communication Participating in nets Stand alone repeater
Earth-Moon-Earth (moon bounce) communication Physics of electronics Study radio spectrum
Electronics Physics of waves Support running & bike races
Emergency prep Portable communication Technology
Experimenting Propagation Tube rigs
Family communications Public service Volunteer Examiner (VE) testing for new hams
Fox (or bunny) hunting (direction finding) QSL cards Voice communication
Homebrew transmitters Radio astronomy Volunteering in your club
Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) Radio control Wireless internet communication 802.11
Radio in RV
