
The Valley Radio Club of Oregon (formerly Valley Radio Club of Eugene), located in Eugene, Oregon, was chartered in 1929, and is one of the oldest continuously operated club stations in the United States. It has been affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) since 1932, and associated with the American Red Cross since 1951.

If you are a newly licensed ham operator in our community, please come on by and meet other hams. Our membership is diverse, with ham radio experience ranging from several months to many decades! Let us share our ham experiences with you, and you’ll see what ham radio fun is all about! Sign up for the VRC Reflector (instructions)


Get Ready for Board Elections in September!

From the President:
Dear Members,
At the September club meeting, we will hold elections to choose members for the Valley Radio Club Board of Directors for the following year.

I have assembled a nominating committee to help find members interested in serving on the board. If you are interested in serving the membership, please contact a member of the committee. If you think you have the necessary skills but are not sure, rest assured you will be coached. It can be very fulfilling to serve such a great group of people.
I hope to see you on the air!
73, Gary AG7TH

From the Nominating Committee:
Valley Radio Club holds elections for board members each year at its September meeting. Club members who are interested in serving on the board should contact a member of this year’s Nominating Committee (below). Elections will be held for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large. Information about the duties of these positions is given on the club web site in the document, Policies and Procedures. Terms are for one year and persons newly elected to a position will be welcomed and mentored.

Nominating Committee:
Ron Gietter (W7RTG) – w7rtg@arrl.net
Dave Schiavone (W7CX) – w7cx@arrl.net
Dave Zumbrunnen (KC4CR) – kc4cr@arrl.net


Club Meetings

We usually meet the first Friday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Norkenzie Christian Church at 2530 Crescent Ave., Eugene, Oregon. The July 2024 meeting will be held on Friday, July 12.



FALL 2024 Amateur Radio Technician Class (Entry Level license for beginners)

FALL 2024 Amateur Radio General Class (upgrade for Technicians)


Get on the Air

Our station is available almost every Saturday (when there aren’t U of O home games) from noon to 2:00 pm at the Eugene Science Center, 2300 Leo Harris Pkwy, Eugene. Visitors can see new state-of-the-art radio transceivers and radio demonstration equipment. Come visit, and bring your family!


Are you a new ham?

Congratulations!  Welcome to the fun!  Here are some suggestions to get you started.


Newsletter: The Valley Voice

We’re a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization!

Securely Donate


President’s Message

Valley Radio Club has a new president: Gary Hale, AG7TH.

Riley, W7RIL, club president since 2001, is now a silent key (SK). Riley welcomed, encouraged and helped so many new hams take the steps required to become licensed. I am one of those hams, and the members of the club have in some ways become my extended family.

When I became vice president, Riley expressed confidence in me and said he liked my fresh ideas and approach. I, like many, carry Riley in my heart. I appreciate our club’s history and focus, and will endeavor to move forward with respect for our past.

Our VE testing program was very important to Riley. It is now in good hands with Brad, N7BED as the new ARRL VEC Liaison, after many mentoring sessions with Riley.

Sergio Chinchilla, W7SY, has accepted re-appointment as our vice president. We are very fortunate to have his knowledge, experience and warmth back on the board!

I know many members have been concerned about Riley’s wife Donna and son Rory. Today Brad and Sergio visited them and we can report that Donna and Rory are adjusting well.

In other news, recently, with encouragement and guidance from Scott, N7JI, our new Oregon Section Manager, we were granted status as a Special Service Club by the ARRL. This award is an acknowledgement that what the club does every day deserves special recognition.

Field Day 2024 will be at Jasper Park, June 22 and 23. Planning is moving forward in a robust way, and I want to thank those in the club with the vision and energy to make this happen. Our Special Use Permit for Jasper Park is now approved. Field Day is going to be great!

The Salem Ham Fair in Rickreall is coming up next Saturday, February 17. If you haven’t been to the fair, you should plan to go some day. Try to be there at 9:00 am when the doors open. It is a unique experience.

The March club meeting format will be a root beer float tribute to Riley. As many of you know, Riley always enjoyed a good root beer social!

Thank you all for being here, and as Riley would say, “see you on the radio.”

Gary AG7TH

